Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Expository Essay: American Girls and Social Media

Nancy Jo Sales' American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers is a harrowing look into the social media landscape teenagers must navigate. Just like previous generations of Americans, today's young girls must contend with challenges ranging from peer pressure to self-esteem. Unlike previous generations of Americans, today's young girls must also contend with an increasingly sexualized and aggressive online culture. American teenage girls today are routinely encouraged to feel shame about their bodies, sexually exploit themselves, and even bully one another. In short, social media culture is openly hostile to young women. But what can be done to help them? What should teenage girls know about the dangers of social media?

In a concise expository essay, identify three distinct steps teenage girls can take to not only protect themselves from the harms of social media, but to empower themselves to become discerning users. Cite exclusively from American Girls to support your thesis.

  • Approximately 750 words
  • MLA Style, including parenthetical citation
  • Word cited page

Due:  Th 3.9

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